Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So James and I decided that we were going to go to Costco to look for fencing materials, we would like to build a kennel area outside for our puppy dog “Sadie J”. Instead we found the wedding shirts for the guys! Perfect!! Who would have thought at Costco…..and for only $20 dollars…..can’t beat it! My favorite part is that they have little brown buttons with Palms tree’s on them. Ohhhh……and they are powder blue!


So when we left we decided that we would get a Churros and Iced Coffee….nummy! We are in the car heading over to Tom’s house so him and Mac can try the shirts on and I had just taken a bite of the Churros….so I had a full mouth….then James said something funny….and I laughed, but I couldn't do a “mouth laugh” because it was full….so it comes out as a “nose laugh” and in the process……this giant booger comes flying out of my nose onto James somewhere!

OMG….this only makes me laugh harder and he freaks out and says “OMG so gross……the wedding is off” (jokingly)!! He for some reason thinks I only pee…..nothing else!! So we finally get to Tom’s house (I’m still laughing) and to James’ surprise my giant booger is just sitting there right on his seatbelt….right where you have to press to get the seatbelt off…..he started freaking out again and was like “get it off, get it off”……OMG I’m laughing so hard at this point I’m crying….I’m surprised I have not pee’d my pants yet! I can't stop laughing.....I'm too the point of snorting now.....So I get a napkin and get it off….all is good….he’s booger free and we can proceed with our day!!

Maybe you had to be there, but this was one of the funniest/embarrassing moments for me ever!!

How can you tell you have “True Love”…….just blow a booger out your nose at them and see what happens. LOL!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wedding Shower @ Aunt Debbie's

One of the highlights of the shower was definatly the when we played the "NewlyWed Game"!

James was so quick to answer all the questions that My Cousin Sara and him had pre-recorded a few days before (without me knowing....they were good at keeping it from me). Then during my shower I was asked the same questions and I turned into a "Deer in the Headlights"! I thought to myself....OMG, Jenn get it's as if every answer I could of said just left my I start getting sweaty because I'm so nervous that all eyes are on me....I just sit there and stared...ummmm....ummmm.....who would of known I was going to be so nervous?



I did finally end up getting all of my answers out after a bit of time. It was defianatly funny! I think we matched on like 2 or 3 correctly and some James answered and I thought...."wow he knows me better then I know myself".

I am so glad that they did this for our's great to have and will be such a fun memory for the furture years to look back on. I definatly love it!!

~Thanks Sara~


My Aunt Debbie threw me my Wedding Shower at her house....and the whole day was fabulous! It was of course "Hawaiian" theme and I ended up wearing one of my Hawaii can tell that my mind has already checked out and is in Hawaii waiting for me! :)

P.S. I have not the slightest clue what I am doing with my fingers? It looks like it hurts! Weird!! LOL

Here's some fun pics from the day......


~The Whole Gang~


~Sara, Kerri, Me & Kimmy~
~Me & Uncle Jim~
~Tracy & I~
~Stacey & Me **Soon To Be Sister**~
~Me, Mom & Kerri~
~Cousin Brenda & I~
~Me & Ann~
~Me & My Sis~
~Me & Kerri with Aunt Debbie~
~Janell (plus twins) & Me~
~Aunt Sharon, Aunt Shirley, Me & Grimsbie~
~Corrine, Chris & I~

Oh and we can't forget the, fun!!

~Cousin Brenda made me this lovely 2009 "Jamesifer A Couple Of Jeepers" award~ **I Love It**
~From Mom.......oooohhh pretty~
~From Aunt Sharon....a serving tray that matches the pictures in my kitchen~
~Neck Pillows hand made from Aunt Bev....everyone on the plane to Hawaii will be jealous~
~Janell made this for me.....I love's at the top of our entry way right now~
~Pink luggage from Aunt Debbie & Grandma Bonnie.....I'll be traveling in style~
~A picture of James in I when we first started dating....from Aunt Bev~
~Saving my ribbons for my ribbon boquet~
~Aunt Sue got us the dishes we them....Kimmy had to help me lift them they were heavy!!~ the next gift needs to have the story that goes along with it. :) My mom is a bit twisted at times (Love You Mom) and you can never quite know what to expect. So opening her gift I was a little worried....LOL! I opened it and saw hand towels and I thought oh! Ummmm....not the case...right under the hand towels were these......

Tropical flavored (for Hawaii) condoms with baby diaper pins threw every one of them and a pacifier....she said that "She poked holes in all of our condom's so she could have grandbabies sooner then later" SO FUNNY!!


So of couse we all was great!! We have yet to use them!! :)

We can't forget the cake....nummy!!


It was such a great day and I had a blast!! Thanks to everyone for coming and sharing in my day with me and a special thanks to Aunt Debbie for going all out for the party! It was the best!!


Our Wedding Count Down!!

OMG it's getting closer.....just 2 months to go as of today April 27, 2009....I will be Mrs. James Steffey soon!! Can't Wait!!

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wedding/Reception Invites Ordered

Finally! OMG....have you ever thought about all the things that come up when you decide to order invites? Well I just happened to of have soooo many questions that came up along the way.....first off....

~ It's a destination wedding, so it does not fall into the same traditional wedding invitation category. So non-traditional, but extremely beautiful is what I picked!

~ Do I do a response card? I mean we are basically announcing our wedding and inviting everyone to the reception that will not be a sit down meal, but more or less appetizer's and such. Instead of a response card we are asking everyone to RSVP via today's world this makes the most sense (and saves postage....shhhh.....). So at the bottom of my invites it says....please RSVP to my Maid of Honor and her email address. Cute!

~ Do I put James & Jenn as our names on the return address? It's pre-printed so I had to decide many places on-line I read that we should never put our names together until after we are married. So I opted on putting "Bride & Groom" it!

Anywho....I have ordered them and should get them soon. I would put a proof of what they are going to look like on here, but I dont want to ruin all the fun of checking the mail. So that will have to wait. I hope I'm not behind schedule on getting them out....I think I'm cutting it pretty close!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ball & Chain

James' friends at work decorated his cubicle space while he was out to lunch one day shortly after our return from Florida (where the engagement took place). Here' some of the pictures.....



I don't quite know what they mean by all these "ball and chain" pictures.....I mean I don't think I'm a "ball and chain"......however they did give me the best idea for our cake maybe it does fit well. LOL




James may really like this run-away-bride one....totally would never happen since to get rid of me won't be that easy.....he's my Lobster (It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank, you know, holding claws.....just ask Phoebe from Friends.....Love It!!) Still so funny!!

I think the funniest part is that you can totally see James' super healthy lunch of an AMPM hotdog....nice babe!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Yappy Couple

It's only appropriate to include our puppy Sadie J in our wedding planning. So last night we gave her, her very own Doggie Bride & Groom......


SO CUTE!! ~They even squeak~

Some how when I brought these home Sadie J knew instantly they were for her....she chased me around the house until I gave them to her.

Of course I gave her the groom first.....she looks so happy and does not seem to even care about the bride below her.......


Oh wait.....never mind....she's after the bride too.....


I'll have to keep you all updated on the out come of these Sadie Toys.....My sister think's I'm out of control with all these bride & groom goodies, but seriously you only get to do this once!!


April 13, 2009 ~ The "Yappy Couple" has gone missing.....both were last seen in the mouth of Sadie J, but now we are unable to find them anywhere! I've searched every room in the house.....hopefully they will pop up soon???????


April 15, 2009 ~ The "Yappy Couple" has been found.....behind the couch, under the window. Crazy Sadie thinks at times she is a cat and will sit in our window....I should of known. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wedding Hair

To Hair Do....Or Not To Hair Do....that is the question?

So there happens to be about a million different hairstyles for weddings and I feel like I've searched them all.

Amy a good friend of mine suggested to me the other day that I should do something similiar to Lady Gaga's Hair Bow....


So I'm thinking that might be HOTT and I could probably totally pull it off with my hair, but since I dont roll around with celebrity status (although I am thinking of starting my own version of "The Hills"....I'm going to call mine "The Hill" for South Hill....of course) and it's just not Hawaiian style....I'll have to pick something different. DARN! :)

I'm thinking something like this....simply beautiful...oh and of course I need flowers....lots of pretty flowers....




Tell me what you think....or if you have any ideas! I'm just really trying to feel the whole beachy side of I'm thinking down, flowing, and soft???