Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So James and I decided that we were going to go to Costco to look for fencing materials, we would like to build a kennel area outside for our puppy dog “Sadie J”. Instead we found the wedding shirts for the guys! Perfect!! Who would have thought at Costco…..and for only $20 dollars…..can’t beat it! My favorite part is that they have little brown buttons with Palms tree’s on them. Ohhhh……and they are powder blue!


So when we left we decided that we would get a Churros and Iced Coffee….nummy! We are in the car heading over to Tom’s house so him and Mac can try the shirts on and I had just taken a bite of the Churros….so I had a full mouth….then James said something funny….and I laughed, but I couldn't do a “mouth laugh” because it was full….so it comes out as a “nose laugh” and in the process……this giant booger comes flying out of my nose onto James somewhere!

OMG….this only makes me laugh harder and he freaks out and says “OMG so gross……the wedding is off” (jokingly)!! He for some reason thinks I only pee…..nothing else!! So we finally get to Tom’s house (I’m still laughing) and to James’ surprise my giant booger is just sitting there right on his seatbelt….right where you have to press to get the seatbelt off…..he started freaking out again and was like “get it off, get it off”……OMG I’m laughing so hard at this point I’m crying….I’m surprised I have not pee’d my pants yet! I can't stop laughing.....I'm too the point of snorting now.....So I get a napkin and get it off….all is good….he’s booger free and we can proceed with our day!!

Maybe you had to be there, but this was one of the funniest/embarrassing moments for me ever!!

How can you tell you have “True Love”…….just blow a booger out your nose at them and see what happens. LOL!


  1. That is so funny, I tried to get Kyle to buy one of those shirts a couple weeks ago!

  2. I know James did not want me to post this story, but I could not was too funny! LOL

    That's crazy....I guess it was meant to be for him to have one! :)

  3. Thats "F"n gross!


  4. This is, hands down, the funniest post you have on here Jenn! We'll definitely be mentioning it to James more than a few times here at work. Thanks for sharing it and we're really glad that your hair is ok too!
    ~ Lynda

  5. jenn lynn I'm laughing so hard for the second time as i heard about it almost as soon as it was over with ~ I just love your stories were did you get your humor?? LOve & hugs Mom
